美國食品藥物管理局徵收進口食品複檢費恐造成美國食品漲價FoodNews報導,美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)宣佈將依據聯邦食品、藥物及化妝品法案(FDCA)修訂,並於近日頒佈的食品安全現代化法案(FSMA)規定,自2011長灘島年10月1日開始向未通過食品安全規定的進口商收取複檢費。新規定要求在FDA徵收進口食品費用前至少須檢驗2次。 FDA明列美國進口商每小時須額外支付224美元複檢費的4種特殊情況:(1)修補進口食品(2)進口商酒店兼職欲贖回遭扣產品(3)進口商要求撤銷扣留後無實質檢驗動作的進口警示(4)因腐壞被拒絕通關的食品。欲索取詳細資訊請逕至FDA聯邦申報處網站查詢:汽車借款!documentDetail;D=FDA-2011-N-0528-0001 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2011,17 October 2011) FDA EXAMINATION FEES MAY ADD TO US FOOD PRICE INFLATION PROBLEM 汽車貸款The FDA has announced its plan to implement re-examination fees under the recently enacted FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which amended the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act 酒店打工(FDCA), FoodNews reports. Under the FSMA, FDA will collect reinspection/re-examination fees from importers for failing to comply with food safety requirements. The new fee structure is said 汽車借款to take effect from 1 October 2011. The new regulation requires at least two examinations of food to take place before FDA can assess an imported food fee. Importers in the USA will be 租屋網charged US$224 per hour (plus expenses) for any re-examination. The FDA has listed four specific situations which will cause a fee to be assessed: i) reconditioning of imported food; ii) ARMANIimporters seeking release of products that have been detained; iii) importers requesting removal from the import alert for detention without physical examination; and iv) destruction of food 小額信貸that has been refused admission. Full details are available from FDA federal register at:!documentDetail;D=FDA-2011-N-0528-0001

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